Two Sentence Horror Stories #2

Hello Internet! I know usually on Wednesdays I publish a new Poem, but because today is Halloween, I thought that I would post something spookier. Last year for Halloween I posted a bunch of Two Sentence Horror Stories and it seemed to be pretty popular. So this year I decided to do the same thing... Continue Reading →

Pokémon HGSS#9: Dances With Eevee

Pokémon HGSS#8: Bug-Catching Contest   Jonathan and Beatrice left Johto National Park with their new Bug-Type Pokémon. During the Bug-Catching Contest, Jonathan wanted to find a Scyther, but was unable to. He caught a Butterfree. Beatrice actually managed to catch a Scyther during the contest, so they traded Pokémon. Jonathan received the Scyther and Beatrice received... Continue Reading →

Living With Evil

Prompt: "You're an exorcist, and this is your most conflicting assignment yet. The demon possessing the child seems to actually be protecting it from abusive parents."   "Thank you for coming, Mr. Casper," The woman at the door said. "No problem, Mrs. Morris," I stepped into the house and then proceeded to hang up my... Continue Reading →

Haunted Life

Haunted by a restless spirit. One that drains the happiness and corrupts the thoughts. It keeps the curtains drawn and the world dark. It's a shadow that clings to it host, holding it down. It makes joy taste empty and sadness filling. It poisons the mind and keeps it weak. The spirit keeps the host... Continue Reading →

Pokémon HGSS#8: Bug-Catching Contest

Pokémon HGSS#7: Goldenrod's Gym Battle   "No way!" Beatrice said. "Come on Bea. It could be fun," Jonathan said. "No! No! No! I hate Bug-Type Pokémon. There's no way I'm going to join a Bug catching contest." Beatrice said. Jonathan and Beatrice stood outside the entrance to the Johto National Park after Jonathan had battled his... Continue Reading →

Willowstalker Manor Part 2

Willowstalker Manor   Tak and Sigthyme turned left into one of the front rooms while the rest of the party headed towards the back of the manor. Sections of the house seemed to be wet with rain and moldy while other parts were dry and dusty. Rats scurried across the floor running from one pile... Continue Reading →

Internet Famous

Congrats. You made it. You're internet famous. Your life is glamorous. It's sponsored by Google. You are getting those premium ads. Your pictures are instant. You are raking in those likes. Setting those trends and filtering out the bad. Your tweets are influential. Was 140, now 280. Your life is a Twitter moment; it's trending.... Continue Reading →

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