Divine Protection

Writing Prompt: "On the run from mercenaries, a young girl stumbles into an old Greek temple and in a last ditch effort to save herself, begs for help from whichever god or goddess it belongs to. She didn't expect them to show up in person."   Elena ran through the streets as fast as she... Continue Reading →

Light And Justice

People take to the streets day after day. Peaceful marches and calls for justice. They bring a light that will drive out the darkness. No justice, no peace. No more fear and no more silence. Democracy dies in darkness and this saving light will shine forever. It's a light that shines from Lady Liberty's torch.... Continue Reading →

One of the Many

Prompt: "You aren’t a great Hero or a mighty Mage, you’re not the Chosen One, Hell, you’re not even one of their beloved Companions. You’re just one of thousands of nameless footsoldiers just trying to survive the final battle." The life of an adventurer was never one I would willingly choose. Although it looks like... Continue Reading →

Shoreline Views (Haiku)

Standing on the shoreWatching the waves ebb and flowUndisturbed Rhythm Header Photo Credit to New Leaf Photography on Amazonhttps://www.amazon.com/Beach-Photograph-Peaceful-Shoreline-Neutral/dp/B07P9TNXJK

The Wicked Scepter (D&D)

Searching For Riffen Part 2 (D&D) Ms. Zaffre sat in her study with stray papers and open scrolls laid out before her. Some were proper stories written by adventurers and mages, while others were just scraps of parchment, barely eligible which just spoke of myths and legends. All of it was a bit of a spiderweb... Continue Reading →

Power To The People

Marching feet take to the street.Voices demanding action.Demanding justice.Waving flags, raising signs, and yelling loud. All the world is a stage.And the eyes of the world are watching our stage.This is not performance art.But it is a movement. A march of unity to show the world we will not stand with injustice.Pain and oppression have... Continue Reading →

The Frankenstein Project

Prompt: "Due to a lack of donors, you sacrificed your own heart for a young child. Years later, the child learned the secrets of life and death, and was determined to repay you." Situs inversus is a condition found in about one out of every ten thousand people. It's a medical condition where people are... Continue Reading →

Fight Against Injustice

If you see injustice, speak out against it. If they don't listen to your words, march against injustice. If they don't listen to your marching boots, take action against it. Whatever you do, fight against injustice. Speak. March. Fight. "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke Header Photo... Continue Reading →


First of all, I don't know what this is. It's not a blog or a poem or anything really. It's just the writings of a man low on life rambling in the darkness. There have been many of these, but this may be the first to actually be published. I was feeling low, real low.... Continue Reading →

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