Vibrant Gate

Image Prompt by Choong Yeol Lee on ArtStation At first I thought I was just hearing the howling of strong winds, but there was something else. As the wind blew through the gnarled branches of the nearby wood, it carried voices along with it. The whispers of the woods woke me up from my slumber.... Continue Reading →


Scrutinizing human emotions,Under bright camera lights.Always on.Never off.Don't let them see your mask crack.You wanted this.You asked for the spotlight.Now entertain and don’t complain.  Header Photo Credit to Pexels.com

Weekly Blog January 24th, 2021: Soul

Hello Internet! I hope all of you are doing well and staying healthy! This week marks the four year anniversary of me writing and publishing pieces here on WordPress. For everyone who has been reading my stuff for that long, thank you for sticking with me. For everyone else, I’m glad you’ve found me and... Continue Reading →

Royal Guardian

Writing Prompt: “You are a young prince. For years you've been guarded (and sometimes restricted for your safety) by a knight protector in heavy armor who has a hollow voice. One day at a royal banquet a beautiful woman waits for you by the stairwell. "Be cautious my prince, I am limited without my armaments."... Continue Reading →


Wrapping my arms around myselfTrying to keep all the pieces together.The pressureThe only thing keeping me whole.Teeth clenched and lip closed.Worried I’ll open my mouth and it will all spill out. Header Photo Credit to Pexels.com

Empty Throne

New King On The Throne New Queen On The Throne A loud explosion rang out down the stone corridors as the heavy, wooden doors of the throne room were blasted open. Smoke and dust filled the doorway and obscured the view from both sides. “They’ve breached the throne room,” The Captain of The Royal Guard... Continue Reading →

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