Trying to Write Some Haikus

Hello Internet! I thought that I'd try to do something that I haven't done a lot of on the website and that is poetry. I love writing and reading poetry, but I have this fear that the stuff I write is pretentious and not deep at all (kind of like saying that "I love writing... Continue Reading →

Weekly Blog August 27th, 2017: Space

Hello Internet! I am so glad that you took a moment of your day to check out my website. If you're new here, I'd recommend checking out the Category Descriptions which lists all the different types of things that get posted to the website. Usually I have a regular schedule where I post three or more... Continue Reading →

Six Word Memoirs Part 2

Hello Everyone! My laptop is still broken so no "Writing Prompt" Piece today; however, I had so much fun writing those Six-Word Memoirs yesterday that I thought I'd write some more for you. If you aren't familiar with the concept of Six-Word Memoirs, I'd recommend checking out SMITH Magazine’s Six-Word Memoirs as well as the 6-Word Memoirs... Continue Reading →

Six Word Memoirs Part 1

Hello Everyone! Since my laptop is out of commission I am not able to do my regular writing. However I didn't want another blank week without anything being published to the website so I thought I'd write up some Six-Word Memoirs. If you are unfamiliar with the concept I'd definitely recommend checking out SMITH Magazine's... Continue Reading →

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